Grewar Genealogy of South Africa

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Genealogie van die Grewars van Suid-Afrika

Die stamvader van die Grewars in Suid-Afrika is David McKenzie Grewar wat op 22 Junie 1796 te Linlithgow in Skotland gebore is. Die foto hiernaas is van sy seun, Christoffel John.

The progenitor of the Grewars of South Africa is David McKenzie Grewar, born 22 June 1796 in Linlithgow, Scotland. The photo left is of his son, Christoffel John.

Hierdie webtuiste handel oor die genealogie van die Grewars. Familielede en ander belangstellendes is welkom om vir ons ontbrekende inligting te stuur.

This web site is about the genealogy of the Grewars. Members of the family and other interested persons are most welcome to help fill the gaps in our knowledge. This web site is mostly in Afrikaans.

Also visit the John Murray web site.

Christoffel Grewar


Jongste nuus

Grewar: Kort geskiedenis
Grewar: Stamboom

Grewar: Naamstudie


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Grewar-genealogie Suid-Afrika


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Grewar: Short history
Grewar: Family tree

Grewar: Name study

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Grewar Genealogy South Africa

(c) Peter Murray, 2005. Laas bygewerk 2011-01-14. (werfmeester Samuel Murray).